When generating your video, chose your desired language for your video. Just click the button on the lower right placeholder in your SET DIRECTION section of the Waymark AI.
This will open up your Options for Language and Format. Click on the current language to open up a drop down menu of all available languages. Select your chosen language and click Apply.
After generating, If you would like the AI to write a script and voice in a different language or accent, we recommend that you request the language or accent in the AI instructions box. before generating again. We generally default to American English in our AI voice selection
Here are a few prompt examples:
"Write the voiceover and all on-screen text in Spanish."
"Write the voiceover and all on-screen text in Australian English (en-AU)."
We best support English and Spanish with these instructions, since these are the only languages we support for our AI voice-over reads. If a video is not generated in your intended language, try re-generating a few times or contact support.
To support specific regional accents, include those details in the instructions. We currently support the following regional accents:
"American English (en-US)"
"British English (en-GB)"
"Australian English (en-AU)"
"Canadian English (en-CA)"
"Indian English (en-IN)"