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Troubleshooting Basics
Troubleshooting Basics

Quick Tricks that might help!

Elijah Primero avatar
Written by Elijah Primero
Updated over a week ago

If you’re experiencing issues using Waymark, below are a few things to try to fix:

  1. Which browser are you currently using? Chrome is most compatible with our platform

  2. Confirm you logged out/in and experiencing the same issue?

  3. Confirm you're only working out of a single Waymark tab?

  4. Have you attempted to reproduce the issue in any other browsers? If so, what were the results?

  5. Have you cleared your cookies and cache? Did you clear for both Waymark site and your partner site? Please follow this help center article to do so.

  6. Could you please send us your console log output? Please follow this help center article to do so.

  7. Check privacy settings with browser or computer

  8. Confirm you've attempted to re-create this issue on a different device

Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to resolving this issue promptly.

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