Including video to an email may be dependent on your email marketing service provider. Some hosting services can offer this service, while others may offer restrictions.
Check out the options below, dependent on your host:
For MailChimp, Constant Contact & GetResponse users
For MailChimp, Constant Contact & GetResponse users
If you're using an email marketing service to assemble rich email with links and images like MailChimp or Constant Contact, you may be able to add video to your message.
First, follow our guide to downloading your video on either desktop or mobile. Then check out one one of these guides below to add your video.
Constant Contact β Insert a video
MailChimp β Add video to a campaign
GetResponse β Add a video to a message
For other email marketing services
For other email marketing services
If you use another email marketing service β follow their guides for inserting images and linking them, and feel free to contact our Support team if you'd like to see the guide linked to in this article.
Alternative options to adding a video into an email
Alternative options to adding a video into an email
That said, there are some email clients can't display a playing video inside an email. Often businesses will include a single screenshot from a video and include a play button over the image to simulate the look of a playable video from within an email client, that simply links to a video hosted on a website or service like YouTube.
As an alternative, copy the sharing or preview link and paste it into your email. The receiver will be able to click the link and watch the video in their browser.
If the video has been rendered, they will have the option to download your video.
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